Original overall print and pattern artwork for product development is my area of expertise. From initial inspiration to production, I provide creative solutions in a time efficient and professional manner based on each client’s specifications. Technically appropriate artwork (flattened and in repeat) is delivered in hard copy and electronic forms and includes color call outs. I utilize the industry specific Lectra software programs of Kaledo Print and Kaledo Style to assist me in the design process and have a high end wide format color printer to provide vertical service solutions. Communication and collaboration delivered with consistency are the cornerstones of my business.

With Target as my training ground for trend merchandising and color strategy, I gained valuable insight and experience in forecasting for product development. Translating this background for the benefit of clients over the past sixteen years has allowed me to refine and focus my perspective to ensure relevance for each individual business. Identifying emerging themes one year to eighteen months out allows for a well planned concise approach to developing saleable assortments that bring results at the retail level. Visual and written research summaries are tailored for each individual client.

Complete concept boards and line sheets define a merchandise assortment for presentation pitches and internal planning. Through various modes of technology, I can supplement two dimensional materials and bring life and dimension to ideas through product mock-up to entice merchants. In the global marketplace of production, a picture is worth a thousand words. Scaled product illustration with engineered or overall print placement reduces costly errors and increases speed to market.

My diverse design background and discerning eye combined with meticulous attention to detail make me an excellent art director bringing big picture thematic concepts to fruition. I create innovative creative concepts and carry them through to the finest details to define and separate from the competition.
With the high demands and fast pace of the design process it is easy to move on to the next season without proper file maintenance. If you can’t access your artwork, it is worthless. I assist in creating systems to organize and archive artwork to build the value of your intellectual property

I enjoy the process of consulting and sharing my expertise with others. Sixteen years of freelancing has allowed me to work with numerous businesses and given me a unique perspective of how to approach design needs and challenges in a collaborative method. I bring a network of resources and solutions to help clients navigate through design related issues.

A personal love of sewing has led me to write my own patterns for other enthusiasts. My two primary goals are to provide designs with a tasteful aesthetic and to create doable projects to ensure success. Simple but thorough instructions assist to build knowledge and experience for the novice sewer.

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